Curry leaves chicken

for marination
chicken- 1 1/4 kg
garlic-30 gm
ginger-20 gm
green chilly-5-6
curry leaves-1 bunch
curd-1 cup
for special masala powder
urad dal-1 tsp
dal- 1 1/2 tsp
cumin-1/2 tsp
coriander-2 1/2 tsp
pepper-1 tsp
white sesame
for masala
cardamom and cinnamon
curry leaves
shallots-250 gm
crushed pepper-2 1/2 tsp
sugar-1/4 tsp
Grind the ingredients for marination, then marinate chicken with this masala, keep this aside. Dry roast ingredients for special masala, then grind it into fine paste. Heat oil in a pan, add cinnamon and carfdamom, after roasting it well, add shallots, add salt and saute it well, then add chicken , cook it chicken in steam. Then add grinded paste, combine well, once it cooked add crushed pepper, cook until the gravy become thick.
for details watch video
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