Don’t throw old cookers, it has many uses in kitchen

This video is about how to use old cookers to make kitchen work easier.
Old cooker can be used not only for cooking purposes, but many other kitchen uses also. Store unripen bananas or any other fruits in cooker for ripe it perfectly. For this, cover the fruit with paper, then light a paper in cooker for a little heat, then cover the cooker. Next day, the fruit will ripe perfectly.
Cooker store any object without loosing its moisture. Store leftover dough in pressure cooker. You can store chapathi too.
Use cooker for frying fish with less oil. Use banana leaf at bottom, then place fishes above. Cover cooker and cook it in low flame.
We can store idly dosa batter in cooker for fast fermentation. It is very helpful at winter season.
for more uses watch video
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