Sweet Potato Benefits

You might only eat this veggie at Thanksgiving, but sweet potatoes are full of nutrients that make them worth having all year long.

The truth is they’re not potatoes. They are naturally sweet roots in the morning glory family. Although Native Americans were growing sweet potatoes when Columbus came to America in 1492, these veggies grew in Peru as early as 750 B.C.

There are hundreds of types of sweet potatoes. Some have white or cream-colored flesh. Others are yellow, red, or purple. The “Covington” is the variety you’re most likely to find at the store. It has pink skin and bright orange pulp.

While yams and sweet potatoes may look alike, a true yam is a tuber vegetable, like a regular potato.

Sweet potato is one of the many health benefits. Rich in fiber, sweet potatoes are just as sweet as the name suggests. Sweet potatoes are very helpful in weight loss due to their low calorie content. Along with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will also improve your health.

Vitamin C is the most important nutrient in sweet potatoes. Studies show that the nutrients and high fiber content of sweet potatoes can help people with obesity, cholesterol, and high blood pressure , Although similar in name, sweet potatoes are not related to the potato family and are quite different in terms of nutrition. Sweet potatoes are high in starch and fiber. It is a very good food for diabetics.

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