How do you manage your Facebook friends? Do you keep your list really tight and only include ‘active’ pals? Or do you accept everyone you’ve ever laid eyes on? I’m probably somewhere in between. But… if I have never had a personal conversation with them and ‘eyeballed’ them in the flesh, then they don’t get a guernsey!

50 Million facebook accounts are fake !
How Can We Tell If A Facebook Account Is Fake?
Experts believe that fake accounts fall into two categories, being operated either by a bot (aka web robot) or by an ill-intentioned human. But irrespective of type, there are several warning signs that an account is fake. If the account in question displays three or more of these signs, then avoid it at all costs:
How to spot a fake account
According to Facebook, it estimates about 40-50 million accounts are fake. That is a lot! Here are the 12 ways to identify a fake facebook account:
Biggest Rule: Don’t talk to strangers online. If you do not know them or recognize the name then do not accept friend request.
An attractive photo (fake Facebook accounts often use attractive photos to entice people to befriend the account)
Profile picture looks like it came off the internet
Not very many pictures (often individual pictures and not with groups of people)
Biography information seems unrealistic
There are no wall posts on the Facebook page
Conversations on account seem fake and not real
Has the Facebook account been active for a short time or long time
The account likes too much on other accounts
Check if the account has friends (fake accounts will have none to very few friends)
Use Google Images to check photos and Google account name to see what comes up
Don’t be tricked by people vouching for the account. If there is one fake account then they all could be fake accounts to make them seem more legit
You have caught a fake Facebook account, now what do you do? If you believe an account is fake then report it to Facebook. (This can be done by going to the profile and clicking on the three dots on the right side of the cover photo.) Every Facebook account reported benefits everyone as that one account was probably looking to hack more than one user. Keep in mind, Facebook is built to add users fast so they struggle taking down accounts. So it helps if we chip in by reporting fake Facebook accounts.
Facebook is built to add users fast so they struggle taking down accounts. So it helps if we chip in by reporting fake Facebook accounts.