Makes breakfast easy, try this small appam and potato curry, and it’s a great recipe to make as a breakfast and give to kids for tiffin.

To prepare this, soak a cup of raw rice and wash them well and add them to the mixie jar, Add a quarter cup of rice and enough toddy to grind it, add two table spoons of sugar and a little salt and grind it well. After mixing well, let it rest overnight and next morning the dough will rise well, Mix it well and keep it aside. Now heat the unniapam pan in the oven and spread oil on it. Spread one spoonful of flour in each pit and cook it well on low flame and transfer the bread to a plate.
You can prepare a curry to eat with it. For this, add two potatoes, two green chillies and one onion to the cooker. Add enough salt, turmeric powder and enough water for cooking. After it is cooked well, mash it well with laddle and transfer it to a bowl. Season with mustard seeds, curry leaves and dry chillies.
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