Ragi Kinnathappam



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A hearty dessert in minutes with ragi. Ragi kinnathappam can be prepared like cotton without yeast and soda powder. Ragi is a powerhouse of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium. It has more nutritional value than wheat flour and plain white rice. Ragi is rich in calcium which helps in strengthening bones. Ragi is good for diabetics and those who want to lose weight.

Ingredients required

•Ragi – one cup


• Coconut milk – one cup

• Jaggery – 250 grams

•Ghee – two teaspoons

•Put a cup of ragi in water. After an hour, pour one more cup of water in the big jar of the mixer and grind it. After grinding the ragi once in the mixer, add a cup of coconut milk along with it and grind it again. Then we have to squeeze its milk. Do the same once more and squeeze the second second milk.

•Take a deep vessel and pour the squeezed milk into it and turn on the fire in the oven. Strain the melted jaggery into it. Keep stirring continuously. Add a teaspoon of ghee to it. Then when it becomes short again, you can pour one more teaspoon of ghee. After that, when it is well condensed, it can be poured into a bowl that has been rubbed with ghee. After cooling, cut into desired shapes. Delicious ragi kinnathappam is ready

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