An easy Evening snack Milk Bonda


Urad dal [ uzhunnu parippu] – 1/2 cup

Jaggery – 150 gms

Thick coconut milk – 1 cup

Thin coconut milk – 1 cup

Cashew nuts and Raisins

Cardamom powder- 1/4 tsp

Salt to taste

Ghee – 1 1/2 tsp

Oil for deep frying

After 4 hours of squeeze, add water and leave for a few minutes before mixing well. Keep the watermelon poured on it and strain it. When the second milk is heated in the oven, boil it with the molasses and boil for half an hour. Then add the first milk mixture. This can be removed from the oven for a minute and a few minutes after applying the fire. Add salt and cardamom powder in a little bit. Add to it the cashew nuts and raisins. Add the minced cherries and fry them in oil. Then put it on the first prepared milk and let it be served for 10 minutes.

See the detailed video of this recipe below